In 1886, St. Francis de Sales, Riverside, was established as a mission of San Bernardino in the Diocese of Monterey-Los Angeles, California's first Catholic diocese. The following year a church building was begun. Classrooms were added at the rear of the church 20 years later, to create the first parochial school in Riverside.
Two years after Fr. Peter Lynch began his 40-year tenure as pastor, St. Francis came under the jurisdiction of the new Diocese of San Diego. In accord with the Second Vatican Council, the pastor Fr. Philip 0'Carroll newly appointed in 1977, encouraged lay involvement in parish ministries. The following year, St. Francis became part of the new Diocese of San Bernardino.
At its 100th anniversary in 1987, St. Francis was one of 12 Catholic parishes in Riverside. Of its 900 families, almost 40 percent are Hispanic and about 35 percent, senior citizens.
For the past thirteen years, the Consolata Missionaries have been serving the parish and school. Their aim is to create a community dedicated to hospitality, reconciliation, faith sharing and collaboration.
Plans for the future include inviting new members, nurturing a proper understanding and administration of the sacramental life and assisting parishioners to reach out in service to the local and global community.