Observing the provisions of canon and civil law the CFO is to ensure that the ownership of ecclesiastical goods is safeguarded and expended according to the wishes of the bishop, profitably invest surplus funds, insure that accurate records of income and expenditures are kept, prepare annual budgets, present annual financial statements to the faithful concerning the goods they have given to the Church and, to fulfill all duties in the name of the Church, in accordance with the law.
To that end, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer collaborates with the offices of Accounting, Parish Assistance, Payroll, Catholic Mutual and Construction and Real Estate.
Jorge Montenegro, CFO
Email: jmontenegro@sbdiocese.org
Phone: (909) 475-5150
Angelica (Angie) Gallardo, Assistant Controller
Email: agallardo@sbdiocese.org
Phone: (909) 475-5494