Welcome to the Accounting Services web page. The primary purpose of Accounting Services is to protect and preserve the financial resources of the Diocese. Services include financial record-keeping as well as monitoring budgets and financial statements. Accounting Services also performs analyses and prepares financial reports as requested by the Bishop, Chief Financial Officer, Investment Committee, Finance Council and other diocesan departments / councils.
The Accounting Services Office serves all the diocesan offices / departments as well as all of the parishes, schools, and other organizations.
Angelica (Angie) Gallardo, Assistant Controller
Email: agallardo@sbdiocese.org
Phone: (909) 475-5494
Ana Moreno, Assistant Controller
Email: anamoreno@sbdiocese.org
Phone: (909) 475-5483
Karla De Leon, Assistant Controller
Email: kdeleon@sbdiocese.org
Phone: (909) 475-5492
Tina Buchbinder, Accounts Payable and Receivable Specialist
Email: temp-acct2@sbdiocese.org
Phone: 909-475-5486
Claudia Aguayo, Data Entry Clerk
Email: caguayo@sbdiocese.org
Phone: (909) 475-5496