The Mission Office promotes and fosters the missionary endeavors of the Catholic Church in parishes, schools, religious education groups, private organizations and individual persons of the Diocese through prayer, awareness and sacrificial donations. The Mission Office promotes and coordinates the visits of missionaries who come every year to the Diocese to share their mission experiences and encourage the local Church to a greater sense of global mission. The Mission Office distributes the funds collected throughout the year in the Diocese of San Bernardino to the Pontifical Mission Societies, to the Missionaries who shared in the Mission Cooperation Plan of the Diocese and designated Mission Agencies. The Mission Office is also coordinating and fostering the activities of Catholic Relief Services in the Diocese, like Emergency Appeals and Rice Bowl (Holy Thursday).The Mission Office is also promoting the Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land.
Rev. Duong Nguyen, S.V.D., Director
Phone: (909) 475-5133
Tammy Griffin, Administrative Secretary
Phone: (909) 475-5133